We offer Pressed Floral Arrangement Vac Bed photos sessions as one part S&M ritual one part kinky, unique portrait photography package.
Sessions include a pressed floral arrangement vac bed ritual, aerial drone images and video and digital photos of your session for you to keep.
If you are in the Los Angeles area and would like to book a session please email us at We require a 50% deposit up front to reserve your booking. You can read more about the details and pricing for our sessions HERE.
We are also available to teach workshops on the emerging field of ecofetishism and plant play. Please fill out the following form or email us at to set up a workshop, class or demo in your area.
If you would like to be considered for an ecofetishism session being co-topped by Genevieve and Themba or if you feel you could be of service, please email fill out the following form or email us at to begin the screening process.