Sacred Sadism is a conceptual art and research project by Genevieve Belleveau and Themba Alleyne. The project reframes traditional BDSM modalities using the aesthetics and ecologies of plant life; exploring systems of domination on both micro and macro scales. By questioning hierarchies between humans and so-called "Nature", we break down the intricacies of power exchange that dictate our daily lives and interpersonal intimacy. We launched our plant-inspired kink tool line in 2018 and have expanded our practice to include live performance, one-on-one plant play sessions, wearable fetish gear, writing, photography video, and a variety of relational forms. Our project dissects and disrupts heteropatriarchal, cisnormative, and colonial framings of vegetal, human and more-than-human relationships. Without sliding into ethical diatribe, our approach inhabits the nuanced and gray areas of these discourses, avoiding platitudes and prescriptive solutions to complex problems.